Newsletters & Events

                Diary Dates – Term 1


21 February                     Rosella Group               Pancake Day

24 February                     Galah Group                  Pancake Day

28 February                     Rosella Group               Meet and Greet

2 & 3 March                     Wombat Group             Meet and Greet

2 March                           Galah Group                  Meet and Greet

25 March                         All Groups                     Working Bee

13 March                        Public Holiday               Kindergarten Closed

14 March                        Rosella Group                St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

8 March                          Rosella Group                Photo Day

9 March                          Galah Group                   Photo Day

17 March                        Galah Group                   St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

21 March                        Rosella Group                 Harmony Day Celebration

23 March                        Galah Group                   Harmony Day Celebration

3 & 4 April                       Wombat Group              Easter Egg Hunt

5 April                              Rosella Group                Easter Egg Hunt

5 April                              Galah Group                   Easter Egg Hunt


Committee Meeting Dates 2023

Venue: TBC

Date: TBC

Time: TBC

Dates are subject to change, and as much notice as possible will be given in the event of a change of date.

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