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Stables Kindergarten
The venture has proven to be a very successful one, and has led to the kindergarten receiving “Exceeding the National Quality Standard” in our Rating an Assessment visit in June of 2014 and once again in November 2018. This rating is awarded by the regulatory body Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
Quality Area 1 Educational Program and Practice Exceeding NQS
Quality Area 2 Children’s Health and Safety Exceeding NQS
Quality Area 3 Physical Environment Meeting NQS
Quality Area 4 Staffing Arrangements Exceeding NQS
Quality Area 5 Relationships with Children Exceeding NQS
Quality Area 6 Collaborative Partnerships Exceeding NQS
Quality Area 7 Governance and Leadership Exceeding NQS
Our team of incredibly dedicated and experienced educators ensure the program is rich in experiences helping our children celebrate their individual strengths and skills in preparation for the next stage in their lives.
We take pride in our commitment, community involvement, and living our service’s Philosophy everyday with the aim of enriching the lives of our children and their families.

The Stables Kindergarten has successfully received Victorian Government recognition for all health priority areas and is now a health promoting service.
Kindergarten Tours
Please ring 9404 1419 on Weekdays to make an appointment.